An Ode To Cocksucking (DD & LG Play)

An Ode To Cocksucking (A DD & LG Poem)

Salvia Drips Down My Tounge

Coating Your Cock In My Want

I lick

I Slurp

I Dribble 

And I Savor

“Oh fuck, Little Girl,” You Moan To Me

That Title 

Your Pleasure

All Too Much For Me

I Relish in the Feel of Your Cock Against My Tongue

I Bask in the Scent of Your Salty Sweat

And, I Savor Every Sensation You Give Me

I Am Yours Daddy

And, God, I Could Devour You

My Licks Turn to Kisses

My Kisses to Sucks

All To See 

Your Head Tilt Back

Eyes Roll  

And Hear

“Oh fuck, Little Girl,” Moaned in My Ear


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