How to Stop That Burning Sensation During Vaginal Sex – 4 Tips

buring during vaginal sex shows a orange in a pepper
Photo by Deon Black from Pexels

Ever since I started having sex I would occasionally experience an urgent need to pee, or a burning sensation during vaginal. This was as annoying as it was frustrating. And, for a while, I thought it was inevitable. Turns out… it’s not. 

Many things can be tried to prevent that uncomfortable sensation during sex such as adjusting the speed of the sex, shallowing, trying new lube, or switching condom brands. I’ve tried all of them and found them all to be helpful in their own ways. 

1. Change the speed

One of the easiest solutions to try first is to change the speed at which you’re having sex. It’s important to make sure that you’re completely aroused before penetration or else you’re at risk of getting that burning sensation. This is most likely due to the irritation that is caused by having sex before your body is prepared (increased friction, decreased elasticity)

To avoid this, try taking more time with foreplay; focus on the 4 phases of arousal, try your best to relax, and even if you’re wet, try some lube it can only help. 

2. Shallowing

If the speed didn’t help out or if you are still experiencing discomfort, try shallowing.

Shallowing is a penetration technique in which a toy, tongue, penis, or finger is inserted a maximum of 1 inch into the vagina. 

This technique is effective because it stimulates the concentrated nerve endings at the entrance of the vagina as well as the Bartholin glands, which are responsible for getting it wet. 

3. Change the lube 

Sometimes it’s not what you’re doing, it’s what you’re using. Many lubes are full of irritating chemicals or are Petri dishes for bacteria. 

If the lube is an oil, like coconut, you may want to try switching to another type of lube. Silicone or water-based lubes tend to be safer to use with the body than natural oils. Natural oils can disrupt the vagina’s natural ph which can lead to discomfort. 

Another thing you can change is how you store your lube.

If you keep lube in a container with a wide open lid, there’s a higher chance of germs getting in. To avoid this, separate a small amount in a container for use and put the rest away.

For better security, put it in a pump bottle so that it has little contact with outside germs.

If you find your lube is still bugging you, it may be time to try a new one. 

I’ve recently been using Überlube because I love that it comes in a glass bottle with a pump. 

4. Change the condom

If slowing down didn’t help nor did changing the lube, it could be the type of birth control you’re using. 

If you’re using condoms during sex there is a chance they could be irritating you. This can be caused by the material of the condom (i.e. latex allergies or the lube/chemicals that are put on it.

Some notable irritants are out there on the market, and if you’re having trouble you may want to avoid them completely. Take a look at the TL;DR Lube Science section in types of lubes – an introduction for a quick reference on toxic chemicals to look out for. 

Final Thoughts

Sometimes discomfort during sex is merely an alarm telling us we have to do something different for ourselves. Irritation can be a sign of questionable chemicals and bacteria in our lubes. An urgent need to pee can be a sign that we’re moving too fast for our bodies. Listen to them. 

If you try these tips and you’re still experiencing burning during vaginal sex, it may be caused by an underlying issue such as a UTI, STI, or vaginismus. If the burning lasts longer than 2 days, it can be wise to contact your OB-GYN. 

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