How to Clean Sex Toys – Sex Tips

How to Clean Your Sex Toys

How to clean your sex toys thumbnail

The world of sex toys can be overwhelming, and learning to clean them can be even more of a headache. Sadly cleaning isn’t a one size fits all type of deal. I spent my week experimenting with the best procedures for cleaning different sex toys, and now I’m here to lighten your load! (Take that as you will)

First, let’s talk about supplies, I put together a general list of cleaning supplies that applies to most toys on the market.

What You Need

  • Sex toy cleaner, or Mild anti-bacterial soap
  • Toothbrush* (optional for some toys.) 
  • Towel/washcloth 

Toy types and Directions 

Shelled Strokers

How to clean sex toys: Shelled Stroker
LoveHoney Male Stroker

Shelled Strokers take a lot more time to clean than other toys, but it’s crucial to keep up with them to avoid bacteria build-up. 

Warning: Do not use soap on the inner sleeve; this will degrade the material. 

Cleaning Process

How to clean sex toys: Disassemble Shelled Stroker

Completely disassemble the toy and start cleaning the casing. To clean the casing first, allow warm water to run through it to clean out any superficial dirt. After the case is fleshed out, take mild anti-bacterial soap or sex toy cleaner, and scrub the inside with a toothbrush to get hard to reach fluids on the bottom. After cleaning the case set it the side to dry. For good measure give the cover a quick soapy rinse as well.

Now for the main attraction, the sleeve! Let the warm water flow through the opening and out the bottom. Once rinsed carefully flip the sleeve inside out and scrub it with toy cleaner and a toothbrush. 

Once the dirty work is done, lay the pieces out on a towel to dry. When fully dried, you may realize your sleeve is sticky, don’t panic! To further the life of your toy, treat it with renewing powder; this keeps it looking and feeling new!

Don’t have renewing powder? Many people recommend using corn-starch in a pinch. 

Reassemble the toy, and that’s it your done!

Hand Strokers

How to clean sex toys: hand strokers
LoveHoney Male Strokers

Hand Strokers are a bit easier to clean than our shelled predecessor, but they involve a bit of elbow grease. 

Cleaning Process 

Warning: If you have a hand stroker with a vibrator, make sure to avoid the electrical components when cleaning, or just completely remove it if your toy allows it. 

Rinse the outside of the stoker with warm water, and scrub out the dirt with a clean cloth or fingers. Flip the toy inside out to expose the textured inside, use toy cleaner and a toothbrush to effectively clean the inside.

Place the toy on a clean towel to dry before storing it. 

Manual Penis Pump

Of all the penile devices, the classic penis pump is the easiest to clean. 

Cleaning Process

penis pump
LoveHoney Penis Pump

Disassemble the pump before cleaning. 

Using mild soap and water fill the body up by covering the hole where the pump attaches. While covering both holes, shake the body to clean it. Rinse with clean water and leave to dry. For extra cleaning, use a toothbrush to scrub the inside.

To clean the silicone ring, I recommend spraying a small amount of sex toy cleaner or alcohol onto it then using a toothbrush to scrub it. 

Leave all the pieces detached on a towel to dry.

Vibrators (Motorized) 

Shane’s World Sparkle Vibe

When washing a vibrator, unless it’s completely waterproof, never fully submerge it, this can cause damage to the internal mechanisms. 

Cleaning Process

Vibrators are simple to clean, hold the base that houses the controls, and rinse it under warm water for about a minute. Once rinsed, grab a wash-cloth and scrub the toy using either soap and water or a sex toy cleaner; pat dry and it’s ready for your next use!

If your toy has grooves and curves follow the instructions above but use a tooth-brush for those hard to reach grooves, and crevices this ensures a thorough clean. 

Dildos (Non-Motorized) 

LoveHoney Dildo

Dildos are fairly simple to clean because they usually lack the internal wiring that makes other toys a pain.

Cleaning Process

Merely boil your toy in water for 8 – 10 minutes to clean and sterilize it. Have a dish-washer? Throw your dildo in the next load for an effortless clean.


It’s in good practice and health to clean your sex toys directly after use. It prevents your toys from having icky build-up that can cause infections and irritation to your genitals. Have a sexy day.

*Make sure the tooth-brush is new to prevent any unwanted germs from transferring to your toys.


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