WarioWare Meets Pornhub in NSFWare, a Sex Game that doesn’t Suck!

Bad gameplay and online simulators are a staple with sex video games, who will take up the torch and make a fun addictive party game? Pierrec, that’s who! Pierrec is the brains behind NSFWare.
I know, I know you’re thinking “who the hell is Pierrec?” Pierrec is the creator of NSFWare, a game that pairs the minigame compilations of WarioWare with spicy sex acts. The website directly describes the game as “WarioWare meets Pornhub,” which naturally made me want to play.
The game on the website is a “name your own price” (free included) type of deal, or you can purchase it on steam for $2.99.

First things first, if you’re unfamiliar with Nintendo’s WarioWare, you might be confused about how to play this game. Basically, a mini-game pops up on the screen, and you have 5-seconds to figure out what the solution is. The purpose of the game is to solve as many games as possible before your lives run out.
Game Play
I found the gameplay to be a bit awkward when using the arrow keys; therefore, I used Xpadder* to hook up a controller.
Note: When I first plopped down to play this game, I started it up using the winsetup.exe, and bam it froze, repeating the title music on loop. Oh god, I thought, I downloaded a dud. I suffocated the computer and tried again, this time using the NSFWare Arcade Version.exe in the folder, and it worked like a charm.

The title screen, as you can see, prompts you to press the four arrow keys, which are all you need for gameplay. There are only two other keys you need to know, Esc is to quit, and the R is to restart.

When the game starts, you are instantly greeted with an amusing transitional scene of a person shaking their ass. Once the ass shaking is over, a mini-game featuring a sex act will pop up, and you have 5-seconds to hit the correct combination of keys to complete the scene.
The game doesn’t bother to stay safe either, just like the title says it’s NSFW. I love that it’s not afraid to get down to the nitty-gritty. The sex acts in the game range from vanilla to S&M.
The representation doesn’t stop at kinks; it also features various types of sexualities and orientations. In an interview with Mashable.com, it mentions how Pierrec “kept a spreadsheet to ensure he was showcasing a wide spectrum of sexuality and orientation.” Let me tell you it worked! I enjoy seeing this type of sex-positivity in the world; it makes me happy!
I strongly recommend NSFWare; I think it’s fun to play with friends, or could even be a unique game you play at a bachelorette/bachelor/bachelorx party. This game sets a new standard for other sex games, its sex-positive message and addicting gameplay make it hard not to give it a try.
Get NSFWare on Steam or the offical website: NSFWare by Pierrec
*Xpadder is a program that allows you to map keyboard controls to a controller. This software lets you play almost any pc game with a controller. For one payment of $10, you get all future versions. (Xpadder is not a sponsor, I just enjoy their product.)