Slow Sex Mouthwatering Spray – Review

I feel as if I write this all the time; yet, I will say it anyway there aren’t a lot of products that catch my eye, but Slow Sex Mouthwatering spray was different. The thing is. I don’t buy an item unless it catches my eye. I spend hours upon hours window shopping for the perfect new product ergo by the time I pick one, it feels really damn special, and this is one of those things. With that introduction out of the way, If you’re a fan of sloppy oral or drooling tongues, I suggest you stick around.
Price & Product Details

Slow Sex Mouthwatering Spray costs $15-$20 plus shipping and handling for a .44oz bottle. I ordered mine from; the shipping was around $7.
The product aims to make your mouth water with only three sprays directly to the tongue. Its main active ingredient is malic acid, which is said to increase saliva production and create that tantalizing mouthwatering effect.
Note: this product contains glycerin, which may contribute to yeast infections.
The Overview
For most people, the appeal to using Slow Sex Mouthwatering spray is to give or get some mindblowing oral; but, my partner and I are not most people. So, to try this product out, I sat on my lover’s chest, spritzed my tongue, waited a few seconds, and let my tantalizing saliva do the rest of the talking.
I will say it does work. After only the first spray, I could feel my mouth begin to salivate. Then I sprayed it a couple of times as needed, I don’t really need it that much, but I did find that it does help me produce more saliva when I have a cottonmouth.
Unfortunately, I do have an issue with the product. Fortunately for you, my issue is specific, and that issue is the use of citric acid. For those who plan to use it for just oral, it’s perfect. For me, however, I have a partner who enjoys their face licked and spat on; and I do not feel safe bringing citrus acid anywhere near their eyes.
Before anything, if I have time, I enjoy to test the taste of the item to make sure I’m not going to gag while using it, and Slow Sex continued this tradition. As soon as I got the spray, I popped it out of the box, sprayed my tongue, and dramatically gagged.
Notice the dramatically. The taste isn’t actually that bad; it’s just unusual. When the box said citrus, I thought of an orange fruit; but, it’s more of orange soda. The best way I can explain the taste is to compare it to Orange Fizzy Soda candy.
I like the Slow Sex Mouthwatering spray, its size makes it easy to travel with, and it comes in handy during those dry mouth days. Even with that, I probably won’t be running to grab another because it doesn’t suit my specific needs for face-licking; nonetheless, if you need a quick fix in a bottle before oral, they got you covered!
Buy Slow Sex Mouthwatering Spray at
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