Blush’s Stay Hard Lasso Cock Ring – Review

Blush’s Stay Hard Lasso Cock Ring -Review

When I first tried Blush’s Stay Hard Lasso Cock Ring, I was incredibly disappointed in its performance than I realized, my partner and I put it on the wrong way. After trying it again, I can say it works but not without a few flaws. 

Pricing and Product Details

I have seen Blush’s Stay Hard Lasso Cock Ring retail online and in-stores for about $7-$11. The push buttons are made of ABS plastic, while the cock ring itself is made of body-safe silicone. 

The double loop cock ring features two adjustable buttons that allow it to accommodate almost all sizes of penises. The sliding push button design allows you to have good control over the speed at which you tighten, so there are no worries about hurting yourself or your partner. 

The Overview

Blush’s Stay Hard Lasso Cock Ring Package

Blush’s Lasso Cock Ring isn’t entirely beginner-friendly. The box doesn’t include any type of directions, nor an example photo of how it should look on the user. I figured that meant it was going to be easy to use, but damn was I wrong. 

When applying the cock ring to my partner, I didn’t realize I was applying it upside down. We spent about 20 minutes struggling to keep it on his balls before we gave up. Saddened by this product’s failure, I turned to google. I clicked on the first results to pop up and frantically flipped through the images. That’s when I discovered we were doing it all wrong and had the product upside down. Happy I found a solution, I tried Blush’s Lasso Cock Ring again.

2nd Try

My significant other bravely gave me his sore pinched balls and allowed me to try again. When using it the second time, it worked much better, though it took both of us to get around his balls correctly. It’s worth noting that it takes a bit of time to find a size that’s good for your partner, so make sure you communicate well. When the cock ring is applied correctly, it seems that it still pinches the balls after a little bit of time. We stopped and readjusted the size a few times, but if his balls were cozy, they would slip out of the ring. 

My other half said the pain:

isn’t that bad, but it’s worth saying because it could be painful for some.

Feeling that we needed to give it the good old college try, I told him to keep it on until he came. Time passed, and it passed, and it passed. Looking at the packaging while my lover desperately tried to cum is when I realized this product fucking works. He did Stay hard. A product I was just about to give up on due to its cumbersome application and pinchy ways has managed to impress me. We decided to put Blush’s Lasso Cock Ring to the test, and my other half tried to make himself cum, and he couldn’t; he stayed hard and lasted long. 


Blush’s Stay Hard Lasso Cock Ring isn’t my favorite cock ring. I find it not to be beginner-friendly, and it seems to pinch balls no matter how you adjust it. It takes a bit of time just to get it on, so this is not a toy you use when you want to jump right into things. With all things considered, it did give my partner a hard, long-lasting boner for under $10. So, even though I don’t think it’s the perfect cock ring for us, it might be for some. I wouldn’t recommend Blush’s Lasso cock ring for those who have already found a cock ring that works, but if you haven’t found a good cock ring, and you want to try out something that works just to see how it feels for $10 it’s not a bad purchase. 

Get you very own Blush Lasso Cock ring at

Want more Blush products? Check out my review on my all-time favorite dildo Blush’s Luxe CICI Silicone Dildo.


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