How to Buy Your First Sex Toy

How to Buy Your First Sex Toy

No matter your age buying your first sex toy can be a bit nerve-racking. My first sex toy purchase was a bit overzealous and almost ruined my love for sex toys. Today I share my first experience with sex toys and give you tips on what I wish I knew.

What Not to Do

I can’t speak for everyone on what not to do, but I can speak for myself. When choosing your first sex toy, do not pick out the most elaborate toy you can find. I repeat, do not pick out the most elaborate toy you can find. Why is this a major point I made? Well, let me tell you how I almost gave up on sex toys. 

At the age of 23, I made great strides overcoming my anxiety with sex; as a result, the sexual deviant that always resided inside me finally wanted to come out to play. 

The deviant decided it was time for me to try my first sex toy, and that toy was Bondage Boutique’s face strap-on

Yes, you heard me correctly I went from “no, I’m too scared to put something inside me,” to “strap a ribbed dildo on my partner’s face, and let me viciously ride him.” Except that wasn’t what happened at all. 

I strapped it to my partner’s face, disliked the ribbed texture, and found myself intimidated, dry, and now discouraged. About a month went by, and I decided to give a simpler sex toy a chance. This toy was the intense ultra bullet. 

Willing to give it another try, I used it solo and with my partner, but still, I didn’t find myself enjoying sex toys. What could I had been doing wrong? I thought.

Well, a lot of things! If I knew now what I knew then, I would have known both of those toys were not beginner-friendly, and the bullet is of poor quality. The major take away from this is not beginner-friendly; With that being said, what should you do? 

What to Do

Do be realistic. It might be tempting to buy that 5-in butt plug you always dreamed of, but it’s important to know your limits. You have to walk before you can run.

I ran before I walked, and I almost ruined my experience with sex toys. I understand the want to buy the naughtiest toy you can think of, but also remember to think about your experience level. In fact, this should be a rule of thumb not only when buying your first sex toy but any new type of sex product. 

Do buy what interests you. Getting a beginner’s toy doesn’t mean giving up on the toy of your dreams; it means working for it. Don’t say “oh the wooden paddle is too advanced, I’ll try the dildo.” Find a toy in your experience level that has the same effect, like a leather flogger. 

Lastly, Do be patient with yourself. Listen to your body, and allow yourself to work up to your fantasy toy, if you have one, there’s no need to be in a rush. 

It took many toys for me to finally work up to getting comfortable riding my then dream toy Bondage Boutique’s face strap-on. My first experience with it was bad, but now I love the thing. Don’t ruin your first sex toy experience by not being patient with yourself.

Good luck finding your first toy and remember if your kind, and listen to your body, you can’t go wrong!

Want to try out your first sex toy? Don’t know where to start? Check out my Reviews on Shane’s World Sparkle Vibrator and ScreamingO’s Ohare. 


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