I Started Paying For Porn, and I Can’t Stop Masturbating

I Started Paying For Porn, and Now I Can’t Stop Masturbating

Paying for porn thumbnail of a person laying eroticly on bed

The idea of paying for porn is a pipedream for some, and it was for me. Why would I pay when there’s a massive database of free porn? Well, for one, I don’t like most of it, and two, most of that free porn is stolen. Though those sites faired me well in my younger years, I have outgrown them. Over the past year, I’ve consumed less and less free porn; I became intrigued by what there was behind those guilt-free paywalls.  And this week, I leaped and started a trial with frolicme.com.

I’m not here to chastise you about consuming free porn; that would be the pot calling the kettle black. I’ve watched it all, from scrambled porn in the early 2000s to pornhub. But one day, I found myself bored of what these mediums had to offer. 

Maybe I’ve just seen too much porn and desensitized myself.

I thought.

No, I’ve just gotten pickier; however, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I began to want more than a wide shot capturing two people fucking.

I wanted sensuality, clit licking, and complimentary lighting.

Why did I think I’d get that without paying? Because I figured with so much free porn out there, I’m bound to find something good.

I lied to myself. I have never seen porn as good as the paid porn I’ve been watching recently. To quote my partner, “it’s in a league of its own.” I hate to say it, but when it comes to porn, you get what you pay for, but the price tag is fair. I’ve seen subscriptions as low as $15 a month or $100 upfront if you pay for the year. Keep in mind these subscriptions also include downloads, stories, audio erotica, and sometimes more. That’s a lot more bounce for your ounce if you ask me. 

Of course, if you compare $15 a month to free, it’s going to sound expensive. Nonetheless, the free option is usually just a short clip and/or stolen. Oh, and you can’t beat the quality of paid porn. 

Because I am paying, it pretty much guarantees that I will get prime content for my wants and desires, as long as I pick the right website. I say this because prime content will vary based on sexual fantasies, so it’s essential to look around and find the site that is right for you.

That’s the beauty of paying; you get what you want. Instead of finding a video that does the job, I find videos that excel at their jobs.

By paying for porn, I ensure that all the models and crew receive a salary. It also makes sure that they are compensated enough to make a new erotic flick. Because whether I like it or not, it was brought to my attention that if we don’t pay for porn, they will stop making it. And a world without new porn might be a bit boring.

Want to Know More About Porn? Check out Surprising Secrets I Found out about Porn


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