Porn Secrets – 3 Facts That Surprised Me

I’m sure it doesn’t come as a surprise to you to find out that porn has a few secrets. The cocks stay hard for hours, the cum is limitless and the pussies get wet with a snap of the fingers. This is because porn captures an idealistic version of sex, where arousal is always concordant and the sex is effortless.
In reality, this isn’t always the case and the process of making sex look this way is ironically quite a bit of effort. The methods used to keep up with the facade can range from harmless to questionable. With fake cum shots, artificial wetness, and steroid injections for hard-ons; the secrets of scripted sex are out.
Porn Secret #1: The Cum is Fake!
Fake Cum is commonly used in porn for both practical and safety reasons.
Practicality-wise, fake cum allows actors to efficiently work on multiple shoots without having to sacrifice the quality of their load. This also helps out the camera person by preventing the risk of setting up a shot only for a weak or non-existent load to be the result. Fake cum saves, time, money, quality, and lives.
Fake cum is safer to use than the real thing. Real semen has the risk of transmitting HIV or STIs; fake semen doesn’t pose this risk. This creates a safer environment for the actors and the crew.
Porn Secret #2: Lube is Often Used
Lubricants aren’t shown a lot in porn, but they are definitely used.
Lube is often used off-camera to fabricate or enhance a star’s wetness. This is why it seems as if they get wet in a matter of moments. It’s also why they seem to never dry out. The use of lube in this way ensures that each shot has a “photographic” pussy in it.
Besides being aesthetically pleasing, lube also has a practical use. It prevents friction. This is useful for those who don’t produce a lot of lubrication or have had a day of many shoots. Pornstars use lube for the same reason anyone else does, it makes sex more comfortable.
Porn Secret #3: Steroids Keep Cocks Hard
It’s a well-known secret that porn stars use Viagra, it’s a lesser-known secret that they also directly inject steroids into their penises to remain hard for hours.
Due to the pressure to have a hard cock at all times, porn stars go to extreme measures to make sure that their dicks stay hard and the shoot isn’t canceled.
If you don’t believe me check out this quote from porn star Chad Alva from their interview with Vice: “If a scene can not be completed, 98% of the time, it’s because of the man having wood problems.”
Final Thoughts
It’s important to remember that porn is made for entertainment. It intends to appeal to wild fantasies not to educate us on sex. The goal of the crew is to create the most erotic scene. To do this they cut out, redo, and fabricate many parts of sex to capture the most appealing final result.
They create the illusion of reality. The things we see on the screen are realistic, but they aren’t real. Porn presents us with an abridged rose-colored glasses version of an erotic experience as opposed to the full picture.