Sex & Sexuality – Why I think It’s Important To Read About

As a community, most people can agree education is important even if our educational system isn’t the greatest. Schools teach numerous years of math and history, yet they rarely teach anything about sex. I don’t know about you, but in all of my 12 years of school, I was only taught about sex once, in the 5th grade, in passing, among other biological knowledge (you can imagine how that can get lost on a 10-year-old mind). So, recently, I decided to seek out an enjoyable book from the Sex & Sexuality Section; unfortunately for me, I haven’t picked one out yet. Regardless, during my search, I began to see the true power behind these titles.
Yes, I know that sounds dramatic and overhyped, and maybe it is to some; however, to me, Sex & Sexuality books are a treasure trove of useful information waiting for me to devour them, and I think you should too. Why? Well, have you ever asked; Are you are top or bottom? How do lesbians have sex? Or is anal gay?
Well, guess how you can answer these questions without making people uncomfortable? Reading a book!
Sex & Sexuality books are astonishing tools and are constantly underrated. I say constantly underrated because I consistently undervalued them. I held a stigma that all these books would be strange How to be a Better Lover in 90 Seconds or SEX: a Basic Outlook on the In & Out (I’m sure I am not the only one). Fortunately, I was proved wrong about my past biases and was pleasantly surprised to see titles written from diverse points of view. I saw books about female pleasure, poly relationships, and just understanding sexuality. I was overwhelmed with excitement about how much I could learn, and I think you should be too!
School for some stopped with the 12th grade, and so did learning. Sadly most of us learned the basic analytical stuff to get a job, and little to none of us learned about our natural sexual desire. Instead of holding onto the sadly, it’s now our job to change the fact that we’re undereducated about sex and learn from the resources that are out there now.
Yeah, I can go on for paragraphs on how we should have had better sex ed, but I can’t change the past; therefore, I only look towards the future; and the future is learning about Sex and Sexuality.
Only through learning about it in an in-depth way; will we begin to understand other’s pleasures, desires, and struggles as well as our own.
This allows us to break down the walls formed by stigma because they only stick around because of ignorance (in the purest form of the word), and ignorance fades once you begin to educate yourself.
We tend to forget we have a lot to learn from each other. Personally, I think reading books is a comfortable way to learn from the most intimate parts of someone’s life. So, even though you may not be an *insert sexuality here*, why not still read a book on it? You can gain some insight on another’s point of view as well as maybe learn a thing or two about yourself and others, because at the end of the day, reading about Sex & Sexuality can only make you a better and well-rounded lover and person.
Not looking for Non-fiction? Try my review on Daddy Says by Maggie Ryan.