Calexotics Candy Cane Vibrator – Review

Calexotics Candy Cane Vibrator – Review 

Calextics Candy Cane Vibrator among holiday lights in snow

I saw Calexotics Candy Cane Vibrator in the sex shop a while ago and said, “When December comes, I’m reviewing it.” Well, December has come, and it’s time for me to spread my legs and invite in some holiday cheer. 

Pricing & Product Details 

I purchased my Candy Cane Vibrator in-store at Adam & Eve for $20 (The price for convenience right?). Though you can find it floating around different shops for anywhere between $10-$22. 

The vibe comes in translucent packing that states that it is waterproof and made of ABS plastic. To power the toy on, unscrew the base and insert two double-A batteries + side up. Once the batteries are in, the speeds are adjustable with a ring at the base. 

The entire toy has a length of 7 inches, with a 6-inch insertable length. The girth is about 3.38 inches. 

What has not been included on the package is the battery life. I decided to figure it out myself and ran it on it’s highest setting until it sputtered out and died. It lasted around 22 minutes. 

The Overview 

“There is no way in hell this thing is waterproof.”

I said while passing a seemingly unwater sealed plastic vibe my partner’s way. 

“Yeah, I doubt it.”

They responded, inspecting the questionably simple twist base.

I pondered for a moment, wondering exactly what they meant by waterproof. I found in the past waterproof could mean anything from splashing to fully submerging. And with a vibe this adorable, I was dreading finding out. 

I decided to take to the internet for more details before jumping full-fledged into a bath with a maybe splashproof toy. After only a short google search, I found my vibe with the description “Waterproof for use almost anywhere.”


I thought. Welp, if they’re confident enough to say almost anywhere, then a bath sounded perfect. I was determined to test the mettle of the man.

So, how did it do? Is it Waterproof? 

“Awful, terrible, never again.” 

Is what I assumed I was going to say; yet I ate my words when Calexotics Candy Cane Vibrator lasted not one, but two baths and counting, fully submerged. Even days later, it is still working. I’m more impressed by its performance because I accidentally misused it. 

Paper inside battery compartment

Directly after getting out of the tub, I decided to check the inside for any water leaks. That is when I realized the batteries wouldn’t come out. I shook, and I shook. No luck. It wasn’t until my partner grabbed it, and swung it as hard as they could, that they came shooting out the bottom. Deeming changing the batteries not user friendly, I immediately crossed that off when I looked at the batteries, and one was wrapped in a small wet piece of paper. 

What the hell?

I thought. I unraveled it, and it was directions on which way the batteries should go. Following drying out the inside and removing the paper, the batteries slid in and out with ease. I have tried it in the bath a few times since, and it has worked with no issues, though I find the batteries are still wet from time to time, making me question the long term waterproofness of it.

UPDATE: I was right for questioning the waterproof claim. I woke up this morning, about a week later and the toy is no longer working. Upon further inspection, even after leaving it out to dry the inside was still slightly damp and moist, which leads me to believe that this what killed it.

What about the vibrations? 

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t impressed by the vibrations. The twistable base control unexpectedly covers a wide range of strengths, and those strengths are fairly diverse. If you’re like me, you can jive with its low setting for a long while, or you can cut to the chase and pummel yourself on high for a quick 20 minutes. No matter what you choose, all the settings are consistent, never jumpy, and flow into each other well. 


Calextics Candy Cane Vibrator among holiday lights in snow

It’s a fucking CANDY CANE VIBRATOR; I love it. It performed beyond what I expected and did everything I wanted it to do, which was giving me an adorable vibe to look forward to pulling out of my drawer every December. No, Calexotics Candy Cane Vibe isn’t the newest beattheholeup3000X, but it’s fun, cute, and seasonal which is all I can ask for. As you may know from my Season Sex Products rant, I love these type of cheap vibes and hope to see more holidays in the future. 

Buy Calexotics Candy Cane Vibrator at Adam&


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